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Should firms use digital work instructions?—Individual learning in an agile manufacturing setting

Published: 07 October 2021 Publication History


New technological innovations in robotics, automation, and digitization enable agile manufacturing, smaller lot sizes, and quicker changes to the product and the production process. In such environments, learning is important, since workers must learn new tasks and adapt to frequent changes quickly. In an experimental study, we compare digital work instructions with traditional paper‐based ones, the latter still being common in today's quality management systems. Our analysis is based on subjects working in the demonstration factory of a large German university in a realistic work environment; it, therefore, guarantees high internal and external validity. We show that digitally animated, interactive work instructions are an effective way to foster faster learning and enhanced performance when new manufacturing tasks are being carried out. Our results indicate that a combination of digital and traditional paper‐based instructions does not yield any advantages over a sole reliance on digital learning.


Digital work instructions lead to superior manufacturing performance compared with paper‐based instructions.
A combination of digital and traditional paper‐based work instructions does not yield any advantages over a sole reliance on digital learning.
In agile manufacturing settings, companies should invest in digital learning.


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Journal of Operations Management  Volume 68, Issue 1
January 2022
129 pages
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Published: 07 October 2021

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  1. agile manufacturing
  2. learning
  3. work instructions


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