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A derivatives trading recommendation system: : The mid‐curve calendar spread case

Published: 12 August 2019 Publication History


Derivative traders are usually required to scan through hundreds, even thousands of possible trades on a daily basis. Up to now, not a single solution is available to aid in their job. Hence, this work is aimed to develop a trading recommendation system, and to apply this system to the so‐called Mid‐Curve Calendar Spread (MCCS) trade. To suggest that such approach is feasible, we used a list of 35 different types of MCCSs; a total of 11 predictive and 4 benchmark models. Our results suggest that linear regression with l1‐regularisation (Lasso) compared favourably to other approaches from a predictive and interpretability point of views.


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  1. A derivatives trading recommendation system: The mid‐curve calendar spread case
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            Published In

            cover image International Journal of Intelligent Systems in Accounting and Finance Management
            International Journal of Intelligent Systems in Accounting and Finance Management  Volume 26, Issue 2
            April/June 2019
            48 pages
            Issue’s Table of Contents


            John Wiley and Sons Ltd.

            United Kingdom

            Publication History

            Published: 12 August 2019

            Author Tags

            1. derivatives
            2. machine learning
            3. trading recommendation system


            • Research-article


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