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Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test and Cox's F-Test Based on Fuzzy Lifetime Data

Published: 01 January 2017 Publication History


Recent developments in measurement science show that continuous measurements are no more precise numbers but more or less imprecise and are called fuzzy. Therefore, to utilize this imprecision of observations, the corresponding analysis techniques related to continuous quantities are essential to generalize fuzzy observations. This study is aimed to generalize the likelihood ratio test and Cox's F-test for fuzzy observations in such a way that they are able to integrate fuzziness of lifetime observations for the inference in addition to stochastic variation. The proposed generalized tests are best suited for lifetime analysis as these cover fuzziness of single observations in addition to random variation.


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  1. Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test and Cox's F-Test Based on Fuzzy Lifetime Data



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    Published In

    cover image International Journal of Intelligent Systems
    International Journal of Intelligent Systems  Volume 32, Issue 1
    January 2017
    103 pages


    John Wiley and Sons Ltd.

    United Kingdom

    Publication History

    Published: 01 January 2017


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    • (2021)Generalized two‐tailed hypothesis testing for quantiles applied to the psychosocial status during the COVID‐19 pandemicInternational Journal of Intelligent Systems10.1002/int.2259236:12(7412-7442)Online publication date: 26-Oct-2021
    • (2021)Nonparametric fuzzy hypothesis testing for quantiles applied to clinical characteristics of COVID‐19International Journal of Intelligent Systems10.1002/int.2240736:6(2922-2963)Online publication date: 27-Apr-2021
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