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10.1007/978-3-662-52993-5_24guideproceedingsArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesConference Proceedingsacm-pubtype

Practical Order-Revealing Encryption with Limited Leakage

Published: 20 March 2016 Publication History


In an order-preserving encryption scheme, the encryption algorithm produces ciphertexts that preserve the order of their plaintexts. Order-preserving encryption schemes have been studied intensely in the last decade, and yet not much is known about the security of these schemes. Very recently, Boneh etï źal. Eurocryptï ź2015 introduced a generalization of order-preserving encryption, called order-revealing encryption, and presented a construction which achieves this notion with best-possible security. Because their construction relies on multilinear maps, it is too impractical for most applications and therefore remains a theoretical result.
In this work, we build efficiently implementable order-revealing encryption from pseudorandom functions. We present the first efficient order-revealing encryption scheme which achieves a simulation-based security notion with respect to a leakage function that precisely quantifies what is leaked by the scheme. In fact, ciphertexts in our scheme are only about 1.6 times longer than their plaintexts. Moreover, we show how composing our construction with existing order-preserving encryption schemes results in order-revealing encryption that is strictly more secure than all preceding order-preserving encryption schemes.


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Published In

cover image Guide Proceedings
FSE 2016: Revised Selected Papers of the 23rd International Conference on Fast Software Encryption - Volume 9783
March 2016
568 pages
  • Editor:
  • Thomas Peyrin



Berlin, Heidelberg

Publication History

Published: 20 March 2016


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