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View all- Luckcuck MFarrell MDennis LDixon CFisher M(2019)Formal Specification and Verification of Autonomous Robotic SystemsACM Computing Surveys10.1145/334235552:5(1-41)Online publication date: 13-Sep-2019
The paper shows that some usual specifications cannot be conveniently expressed in traditional process calculi. To solve the problem in formal specification, a new process calculus based on value-passing CCS, Calculus of Communicating Systems with ...
The development of an elevator scheduling system by undergraduate students is presented. The development was performed by 20 teams of undergraduate students, divided into two groups. One group produced specifications by employing a formal method that ...
In carrying out SDC's Formal Development Method, one writes a specification of a system under design in the Ina Jo™ specification language and proves that the specification meets the requirements of the system. This paper develops an abstract machine ...
Berlin, Heidelberg