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10.1007/978-3-030-79382-1_5guideproceedingsArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesConference Proceedingsacm-pubtype

Data-Driven Annotation of Textual Process Descriptions Based on Formal Meaning Representations

Published: 28 June 2021 Publication History


Business process management encompasses a variety of tasks that can be solved system-aided but usually require formal process representations, i.e. process models. However, it requires a significant effort to learn a formal process modeling language like, for instance, BPMN. Among others, this is one reason why companies often still stick to informal textual process descriptions. However, in contrast to formal models, information from natural language text usually cannot be automatically processed by algorithms. Hence, recent research also focuses on annotated textual process descriptions to make text machine processable.
While still human-readable, they additionally contain annotations following a formal scheme. Thus, they also enable automated processing by, for instance, formal reasoning and simulation. State-of-the-art techniques for automatically annotating textual process descriptions are either based on hand-crafted rule sets or artificial neural networks. Maintaining complex rule sets requires a significant manual effort and the approaches using neural networks suffer from rather low result quality. In this paper we present an approach based on Semantic Parsing and Graph Convolutional Networks that avoids manually defined rules and provides significantly better results than existing techniques based on neural networks. A comprehensive evaluation using multiple data sets from both academia and industry shows encouraging results and differentiates between several applied text features.


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  1. Data-Driven Annotation of Textual Process Descriptions Based on Formal Meaning Representations
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            Information & Contributors


            Published In

            cover image Guide Proceedings
            Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 33rd International Conference, CAiSE 2021, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, June 28 – July 2, 2021, Proceedings
            Jun 2021
            576 pages
            • Editors:
            • Marcello La Rosa,
            • Shazia Sadiq,
            • Ernest Teniente



            Berlin, Heidelberg

            Publication History

            Published: 28 June 2021

            Author Tags

            1. Process modeling
            2. Text annotation
            3. Semantic parsing
            4. Graph convolutional networks


            • Article


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            • (2024)Text2EL+: Expert Guided Event Log Enrichment Using Unstructured TextJournal of Data and Information Quality10.1145/364001816:1(1-28)Online publication date: 10-Jan-2024
            • (2024)A Universal Prompting Strategy for Extracting Process Model Information from Natural Language Text Using Large Language ModelsConceptual Modeling10.1007/978-3-031-75872-0_3(38-55)Online publication date: 29-Oct-2024
            • (2023)Beyond Rule-Based Named Entity Recognition and Relation Extraction for Process Model Generation from Natural Language TextCooperative Information Systems10.1007/978-3-031-46846-9_10(179-197)Online publication date: 30-Oct-2023

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