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10.1007/11672142_18guideproceedingsArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesConference Proceedingsacm-pubtype

Oblivious symmetric alternation

Published: 23 February 2006 Publication History


We introduce a new class $\rm {O}^p_2$ as a subclass of the symmetric alternation class $\rm {S}^p_2$. An $\rm {O}^p_2$ proof system has the flavor of an $\rm {S}^p_2$ proof system, but it is more restrictive in nature. In an $\rm {S}^p_2$ proof system, we have two competing provers and a verifier such that for any input, the honest prover has an irrefutable certificate. In an $\rm {O}^p_2$ proof system, we require that the irrefutable certificates depend only on the length of the input, not on the input itself. In other words, the irrefutable proofs are oblivious of the input. For this reason, we call the new class oblivious symmetric alternation. While this might seem slightly contrived, it turns out that this class helps us improve some existing results. For instance, we show that if NP⊂P/poly then $\rm PH = {O}^p_2$, whereas the best known collapse under the same hypothesis was $\rm PH = {S}^p_2$.
We also define classes $\rm Y{O}^p_2$ and $\rm N{O}^p_2$, bearing relations to $\rm {O}^p_2$ as NP and coNP are to P, and show that these along with $\rm {O}^p_2$ form a hierarchy, similar to the polynomial hierarchy. We investigate other inclusions involving these classes and strengthen some known results. For example, we show that $\rm MA \subseteq N{O}^p_2$ which sharpens the known result $\rm MA \subseteq {S}^p_2$ [16]. Another example is our result that $\rm AM \subseteq O_2 \cdot NP \subseteq {\prod}^p_2$, which is an improved upper bound on AM. Finally, we also prove better collapses for the 2-queries problem as discussed by [12,1,7]. We prove that $\rm P^{NP[1]} = P^{NP[2]} \Longrightarrow PH = {NO}^p_2 \cap Y{O}^p_2$.


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Published In

cover image Guide Proceedings
STACS'06: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual conference on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science
February 2006
711 pages
  • Editors:
  • Bruno Durand,
  • Wolfgang Thomas



Berlin, Heidelberg

Publication History

Published: 23 February 2006


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  • (2019)Relations and equivalences between circuit lower bounds and karp-lipton theoremsProceedings of the 34th Computational Complexity Conference10.4230/LIPIcs.CCC.2019.30(1-21)Online publication date: 17-Jul-2019
  • (2015)Input-Oblivious Proof Systems and a Uniform Complexity Perspective on P/polyACM Transactions on Computation Theory10.1145/27996457:4(1-13)Online publication date: 31-Aug-2015
  • (2010)A full characterization of quantum adviceProceedings of the forty-second ACM symposium on Theory of computing10.1145/1806689.1806710(131-140)Online publication date: 5-Jun-2010
  • (2007)The 1-versus-2 queries problem revisitedProceedings of the 18th international conference on Algorithms and computation10.5555/1781574.1781593(137-147)Online publication date: 17-Dec-2007
  • (2007)The 1-Versus-2 Queries Problem RevisitedAlgorithms and Computation10.1007/978-3-540-77120-3_14(137-147)Online publication date: 17-Dec-2007

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