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Open and real-world human-AI coordination by heterogeneous training with communication

Published: 22 November 2024 Publication History


Human-AI coordination aims to develop AI agents capable of effectively coordinating with human partners, making it a crucial aspect of cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL). Achieving satisfying performance of AI agents poses a long-standing challenge. Recently, ah-hoc teamwork and zero-shot coordination have shown promising advancements in open-world settings, requiring agents to coordinate efficiently with a range of unseen human partners. However, these methods usually assume an overly idealistic scenario by assuming homogeneity between the agent and the partner, which deviates from real-world conditions. To facilitate the practical deployment and application of human-AI coordination in open and real-world environments, we propose the first benchmark for open and real-world human-AI coordination (ORC) called ORCBench. ORCBench includes widely used human-AI coordination environments. Notably, within the context of real-world scenarios, ORCBench considers heterogeneity between AI agents and partners, encompassing variations in capabilities and observations, which aligns more closely with real-world applications. Furthermore, we introduce a framework known as Heterogeneous training with Communication (HeteC) for ORC. HeteC builds upon a heterogeneous training framework and enhances partner population diversity by using mixed partner training and frozen historical partners. Additionally, HeteC incorporates a communication module that enables human partners to communicate with AI agents, mitigating the adverse effects of partially observable environments. Through a series of experiments, we demonstrate the effectiveness of HeteC in improving coordination performance. Our contribution serves as an initial but important step towards addressing the challenges of ORC.


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  1. Open and real-world human-AI coordination by heterogeneous training with communication
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            Published In

            cover image Frontiers of Computer Science: Selected Publications from Chinese Universities
            Frontiers of Computer Science: Selected Publications from Chinese Universities  Volume 19, Issue 4
            Apr 2025
            122 pages



            Berlin, Heidelberg

            Publication History

            Published: 22 November 2024
            Accepted: 13 March 2024
            Received: 07 October 2023

            Author Tags

            1. human-AI coordination
            2. multi-agent reinforcement learning
            3. communication
            4. open-environment coordination
            5. real-world coordination


            • Research-article


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