Cited By
View all- Tang RChen LZou YLai ZAlbertini MYang X(2021)Lightweight network with one-shot aggregation for image super-resolutionJournal of Real-Time Image Processing10.1007/s11554-021-01127-618:4(1275-1284)Online publication date: 1-Aug-2021
This paper presents a novel octree-based dual contouring (DC) algorithm for adaptive triangular or tetrahedral mesh generation with guaranteed angle range. First, an adaptive octree is constructed based on the input geometry. Then the octree grid points ...
We present a simplification algorithm for triangular meshes, implemented on the GPU. The algorithm performs edge collapses on manifold triangular meshes driven by a quadric error metric. It uses data parallelism as provided by OpenCL and has no ...
A smoothing algorithm based on curvature flow is proposed to suppress noises in triangular meshes reconstructed from contours. Geometric features among the mesh are detected, according to which the original mesh is refined adaptively. An isotropic ...
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