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An efficient algorithm for embedding exchanged hypercubes into grids

Published: 01 February 2019 Publication History


Graph embedding is an important technology in simulating parallel structures and designing VLSI layout. Hypercube is one of the most significant interconnection networks in parallel computing systems. The exchanged hypercube is an important variant of the hypercube, which is obtained by systematically deleting edges from a hypercube. It not only retains several valuable and desirable properties of the hypercube, but also has lower hardware cost. In this paper, we first give an exact formula of minimum wirelength of exchanged hypercube layout into a grid. Furthermore, we propose an O(N) algorithm for embedding exchanged hypercube into a gird with load 1, expansion 1 and minimum wirelength and derive a linear layout of exchanged hypercube with minimum number of tracks and efficient layout areas. Finally, we present simulation experiments of our embedding algorithm on network overhead and total wirelength, which conduce to estimate the total wirelength and chip area.


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  1. An efficient algorithm for embedding exchanged hypercubes into grids



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    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image The Journal of Supercomputing
    The Journal of Supercomputing  Volume 75, Issue 2
    February 2019
    509 pages


    Kluwer Academic Publishers

    United States

    Publication History

    Published: 01 February 2019

    Author Tags

    1. $$EH_{s
    2. Graph embedding
    3. Grids
    4. Interconnection networks
    5. Wirelength
    6. t
    7. t}$$EHs


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