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ViDSOD-100: A New Dataset and a Baseline Model for RGB-D Video Salient Object Detection

Published: 04 June 2024 Publication History


With the rapid development of depth sensor, more and more RGB-D videos could be obtained. Identifying the foreground in RGB-D videos is a fundamental and important task. However, the existing salient object detection (SOD) works only focus on either static RGB-D images or RGB videos, ignoring the collaborating of RGB-D and video information. In this paper, we first collect a new annotated RGB-D video SOD (ViDSOD-100) dataset, which contains 100 videos within a total of 9362 frames, acquired from diverse natural scenes. All the frames in each video are manually annotated to a high-quality saliency annotation. Moreover, we propose a new baseline model, named attentive triple-fusion network (ATF-Net), for RGB-D video salient object detection. Our method aggregates the appearance information from an input RGB image, spatio-temporal information from an estimated motion map, and the geometry information from the depth map by devising three modality-specific branches and a multi-modality integration branch. The modality-specific branches extract the representation of different inputs, while the multi-modality integration branch combines the multi-level modality-specific features by introducing the encoder feature aggregation (MEA) modules and decoder feature aggregation (MDA) modules. The experimental findings conducted on both our newly introduced ViDSOD-100 dataset and the well-established DAVSOD dataset highlight the superior performance of the proposed ATF-Net.This performance enhancement is demonstrated both quantitatively and qualitatively, surpassing the capabilities of current state-of-the-art techniques across various domains, including RGB-D saliency detection, video saliency detection, and video object segmentation. We shall release our data, our results, and our code upon the publication of this work.


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  1. ViDSOD-100: A New Dataset and a Baseline Model for RGB-D Video Salient Object Detection
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            Published In

            cover image International Journal of Computer Vision
            International Journal of Computer Vision  Volume 132, Issue 11
            Nov 2024
            668 pages


            Kluwer Academic Publishers

            United States

            Publication History

            Published: 04 June 2024
            Accepted: 08 March 2024
            Received: 01 April 2023

            Author Tags

            1. RGB-D video dataset
            2. Neural networks
            3. Salient object detection


            • Research-article


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