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A survey on discriminatory processor sharing

Published: 01 June 2006 Publication History


The Discriminatory Processor Sharing (DPS) model is a multi-class generalization of the egalitarian Processor Sharing model. In the DPS model all jobs present in the system are served simultaneously at rates controlled by a vector of weights { g k > 0; k = 1,..., K }. If there are N k jobs of class k present in the system, k = 1,..., K , each class- k job is served at rate $$g_k/\sum_{j=1}^K{g_j}{N_j}$$ . The present article provides an overview of the analytical results for the DPS model. In particular, we focus on response times and numbers of jobs in the system.


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Published In

cover image Queueing Systems: Theory and Applications
Queueing Systems: Theory and Applications  Volume 53, Issue 1-2
June 2006
92 pages


J. C. Baltzer AG, Science Publishers

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 June 2006

Author Tags

  1. Asymptotic Analysis
  2. Conservation Law
  3. Discriminatory Processor Sharing
  4. M/G/1


  • Article


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