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People tracking in multi-camera systems: a review

Published: 01 April 2019 Publication History


Ubiquitousness of multiple cameras in surveillance systems is very beneficial for studying peoples behavior. The multiple views of the observed scene permit the management of dynamic occlusions and failures that may affect any sensor. The multi-camera tracking of objects is considered as the basic step in the design of intelligent surveillance applications. This thematic had been addressed in several researches. Various methods had been proposed to achieve an accurate tracking in the most challenging conditions as occlusions and lighting variations. These methods are addressed in two main research lines: the centralized and the distributed tracking approaches. In this paper, we propose an overview of the multi-camera tracking of objects which summarizes and classifies the most used existing methods.


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cover image Multimedia Tools and Applications
Multimedia Tools and Applications  Volume 78, Issue 8
Apr 2019
1542 pages


Kluwer Academic Publishers

United States

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Published: 01 April 2019

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  1. Multi-camera tracking
  2. People tracking
  3. Person re-identification


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