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Using Health Chatbots for Behavior Change: A Mapping Study

Published: 01 May 2019 Publication History


This study conducts a mapping study to survey the landscape of health chatbots along three research questions: What illnesses are chatbots tackling What patient competences are chatbots aimed at Which chatbot technical enablers are of most interest in the health domain We identify 30 articles related to health chatbots from 2014 to 2018. We analyze the selected articles qualitatively and extract a triplet for each of them. This data serves to provide a first overview of chatbot-mediated behavior change on the health domain. Main insights include: nutritional disorders and neurological disorders as the main illness areas being tackled; "affect" as the human competence most pursued by chatbots to attain change behavior; and "personalization" and "consumability" as the most appreciated technical enablers. On the other hand, main limitations include lack of adherence to good practices to case-study reporting, and a deeper look at the broader sociological implications brought by this technology.


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          Published In

          cover image Journal of Medical Systems
          Journal of Medical Systems  Volume 43, Issue 5
          May 2019
          413 pages


          Plenum Press

          United States

          Publication History

          Published: 01 May 2019

          Author Tags

          1. Chatbots
          2. Instant messaging
          3. Mobile healthcare
          4. Software agents


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