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Red Light Green Light Method for Solving Large Markov Chains

Published: 01 October 2022 Publication History


Discrete-time discrete-state finite Markov chains are versatile mathematical models for a wide range of real-life stochastic processes. One of most common tasks in studies of Markov chains is computation of the stationary distribution. We propose a new general controlled, easily distributed algorithm for this task. The algorithm includes as special cases a wide range of known, very different, and previously disconnected methods including power iterations, versions of Gauss-Southwell formerly restricted to substochastic matrices, and online distributed algorithms. We prove exponential convergence of our method, demonstrate its high efficiency, and derive straightforward control strategies that achieve convergence rates faster than state-of-the-art algorithms.


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Information & Contributors


Published In

cover image Journal of Scientific Computing
Journal of Scientific Computing  Volume 93, Issue 1
Oct 2022
1000 pages


Plenum Press

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 October 2022
Accepted: 01 August 2022
Revision received: 26 May 2022
Received: 23 November 2021

Author Tags

  1. Markov Chains
  2. Numerical methods
  3. Gauss-Southwell methods
  4. Coupling

Author Tags

  1. 60J10
  2. 60J22
  3. 65C40


  • Research-article

Funding Sources

  • NWO
  • Qwant
  • European Cooperation in Science and Technology


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