Cited By
View all- Li BLu ZJin XZhao L(2024)Tool wear prediction in milling CFRP with different fiber orientations based on multi-channel 1DCNN-LSTMJournal of Intelligent Manufacturing10.1007/s10845-023-02164-735:6(2547-2566)Online publication date: 1-Aug-2024
- Unterberg MBecker MNiemietz PBergs T(2024)Data-driven indirect punch wear monitoring in sheet-metal stamping processesJournal of Intelligent Manufacturing10.1007/s10845-023-02129-w35:4(1721-1735)Online publication date: 1-Apr-2024
- Junttila JRaunio KKokkonen PSaarela O(2023)Feature Estimation for Punching Tool Wear at the EdgeProceedings of the 3rd Eclipse Security, AI, Architecture and Modelling Conference on Cloud to Edge Continuum10.1145/3624486.3624498(86-89)Online publication date: 17-Oct-2023