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Automatic symbolic compositional verification by learning assumptions

Published: 01 June 2008 Publication History


Compositional reasoning aims to improve scalability of verification tools by reducing the original verification task into subproblems. The simplification is typically based on assume-guarantee reasoning principles, and requires user guidance to identify appropriate assumptions for components. In this paper, we propose a fully automated approach to compositional reasoning that consists of automated decomposition using a hypergraph partitioning algorithm for balanced clustering of variables, and discovering assumptions using the L * algorithm for active learning of regular languages. We present a symbolic implementation of the learning algorithm, and incorporate it in the model checker NuSmv . In some cases, our experiments demonstrate significant savings in the computational requirements of symbolic model checking.


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cover image Formal Methods in System Design
Formal Methods in System Design  Volume 32, Issue 3
June 2008
128 pages


Kluwer Academic Publishers

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 June 2008

Author Tags

  1. Assume-guarantee reasoning
  2. Compositional verification
  3. Formal verification
  4. Hypergraph partitioning
  5. Regular language learning
  6. Symbolic model checking


  • Article


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