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Open data value capability architecture

Published: 01 April 2017 Publication History


To gain insight into customer's needs and stay competitive, open data-driven organizations must acquire capabilities to generate different kinds of values from open data. With respect to open data capabilities, scholarly efforts articulating the nature and types of open data capabilities are very limited. To bridge this knowledge gap, we construct a theoretically-grounded open data value capability architecture that explains how open data-driven organizations can identify, map, develop and plan open data value capabilities. To demonstrate and validate the capability architecture, we implemented the architecture in two open data-driven organizations in Ireland. The application of the architecture revealed eight new open data value capabilities: Knowledge of data standards and Data on the Web Best Practices, Knowledge of data value, Data Strategy, Aggregation process (GPS), Database architecture, Knowledge of graph data models, Verifying data integrity, and Web-based front-end. We conclude that the Open data capability domain is yet to mature. Thus, more scholarly and empirical research is necessary in this area.


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    cover image Information Systems Frontiers
    Information Systems Frontiers  Volume 19, Issue 2
    April 2017
    227 pages


    Kluwer Academic Publishers

    United States

    Publication History

    Published: 01 April 2017

    Author Tags

    1. Open data
    2. Open data value capabilities
    3. Open data value chain
    4. Organizational capabilities


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