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A competence-based industrial learning approach for factories of the future

Published: 01 June 2013 Publication History


Manufacturing industry can improve its competitiveness through innovation and technological excellence, and appropriate Industrial Learning can help to achieve this goal through allowing the manufacturing workforce to acquire new skills related to the advanced developments in information and communication technologies. This raises the need for new Industrial Learning tools and methods from the viewpoint of learning content, learning processes, and delivery mechanisms. In this paper, we present a generic competence-based approach for Industrial Learning developed in the framework of ActionPlanT project. The approach is composed of (i) an Industrial Learning model which serves to represent and understand competence-based learning, and (ii) a methodology which implements through a number of steps the Industrial Learning actions defined using the Industrial Learning model in industrial organisations. Both the model and the methodology are presented in details. A metrics-based method for evaluating the implementation of the learning actions defined using the approach is also described.


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  • (2016)Current trends on ICT technologies for enterprise information systemsComputers in Industry10.1016/j.compind.2015.06.00879:C(14-33)Online publication date: 1-Jun-2016
  1. A competence-based industrial learning approach for factories of the future



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    Published In

    cover image Education and Information Technologies
    Education and Information Technologies  Volume 18, Issue 2
    June 2013
    259 pages


    Kluwer Academic Publishers

    United States

    Publication History

    Published: 01 June 2013

    Author Tags

    1. Competence development
    2. Factories of the future
    3. ICT for manufacturing
    4. Industrial learning


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    • (2016)Current trends on ICT technologies for enterprise information systemsComputers in Industry10.1016/j.compind.2015.06.00879:C(14-33)Online publication date: 1-Jun-2016

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