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Extending parallel programming patterns with adaptability features

Published: 15 June 2024 Publication History


Today, all computers have some degree of usable parallelism. Modern computers are explicitly equipped with hardware support for parallelism, such as multiple nodes, multicores, multiple CPUs, and accelerators. At the same time, the Cloud Continuum has become a viable platform for running parallel applications. Building software for these parallel and distributed platforms can be challenging due to the numerous considerations programmers must make during the development process. With this in mind, the high-performance computing literature proposed the concept of parallel patterns to hide some complexities. However, there are no patterns that address the design and creation of adaptive applications. Taking the compute continuum era in mind, we present how adaptability features can be explored within each parallel programming pattern, providing technical details on managing dynamic resources and handling changes in application behavior. In addition to this contribution, we also address practical implications by presenting some frameworks that can be used to implement adaptive applications and examples of using them with the proposed patterns.


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Published In

cover image Cluster Computing
Cluster Computing  Volume 27, Issue 9
Dec 2024
1548 pages


Kluwer Academic Publishers

United States

Publication History

Published: 15 June 2024
Accepted: 04 June 2024
Revision received: 29 May 2024
Received: 05 March 2024

Author Tags

  1. Parallel applications
  2. Parallel computing
  3. Design patterns
  4. Adaptability
  5. Elasticity
  6. Compute continuum


  • Review-article

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