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Phase recovery, MaxCut and complex semidefinite programming

Published: 01 February 2015 Publication History


Phase retrieval seeks to recover a signal $$x \in {\mathbb {C}}^p$$ x C p from the amplitude $$|A x|$$ | A x | of linear measurements $$Ax \in {\mathbb {C}}^n$$ A x C n . We cast the phase retrieval problem as a non-convex quadratic program over a complex phase vector and formulate a tractable relaxation (called PhaseCut) similar to the classical MaxCut semidefinite program. We solve this problem using a provably convergent block coordinate descent algorithm whose structure is similar to that of the original greedy algorithm in Gerchberg and Saxton (Optik 35:237---246, 1972 ), where each iteration is a matrix vector product. Numerical results show the performance of this approach over three different phase retrieval problems, in comparison with greedy phase retrieval algorithms and matrix completion formulations.


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    Published In

    cover image Mathematical Programming: Series A and B
    Mathematical Programming: Series A and B  Volume 149, Issue 1-2
    February 2015
    454 pages



    Berlin, Heidelberg

    Publication History

    Published: 01 February 2015

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    1. 90C22
    2. 90C27
    3. 94A12


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