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Design and evaluation of an ambient assisted living system based on an argumentative multi-agent system

Published: 01 April 2011 Publication History


This paper focuses on ambient assisted living systems employed to monitor the ongoing situations of elderly people living independently. Such situations are represented here as contexts inferred by multiple software agents out of the data gathered from sensors within a home. Sensors can give an incomplete, sometimes ambiguous, picture of the world; hence, they often lead to inconsistent contexts and unreliability on the system as a whole. We report on a solution to this problem based on a multi-agent system where each agent is able to support its understanding of the context through arguments. These arguments can then be compared against each other to determine which agent provides the most reliable interpretation of the reality under observation.


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Published In

cover image Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing  Volume 15, Issue 4
April 2011
119 pages



Berlin, Heidelberg

Publication History

Published: 01 April 2011

Author Tags

  1. Ambient intelligence
  2. Argumentation
  3. Assisted living
  4. Multi-agent system


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