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Stochastic model-driven capacity planning framework for multi-access edge computing

Published: 01 December 2022 Publication History


Multi-access edge computing (MEC) offers cloud computing capabilities and IT services situated at the Radio Access Network (RAN) in the mobile users’ proximity. Applications could offload their computation-intensive tasks to the MEC servers. Consequently, MEC significantly diminishes the mean response time and job rejection probability compared to conventional Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC). Cost-performance trade-off is one of the major concerns of the system designers. Low performance leads to the Service Level Agreement (SLA) violation and disappoints the service consumers. On the other hand, reaching high performance by augmenting the number of servers in the MEC and Cloud sides incur more infrastructure and other operational costs. In this paper, we formulate the mentioned cost-performance trade-off into an optimization problem. We demonstrate that the optimization problem is integer and non-linear. Moreover, we propose a capacity planning framework to determine the optimal number of servers in the MEC and Cloud sides, minimizing the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) with SLA satisfaction. The proposed capacity planning framework gains from the simulated annealing algorithm to obtain a globally optimum solution. Furthermore, we deploy the stochastic performance model to measure mean response time and job rejection probability at each iteration. Numerical results reveal that the proposed framework determines the optimal solution within a reasonable time.


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      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image Computing
      Computing  Volume 104, Issue 12
      Dec 2022
      238 pages



      Berlin, Heidelberg

      Publication History

      Published: 01 December 2022
      Accepted: 16 June 2022
      Received: 30 January 2022

      Author Tags

      1. Multi-access Edge Computing
      2. Capacity Planning
      3. Stochastic Modeling
      4. Performance Evaluation

      Author Tags

      1. 68Q85
      2. 00A71
      3. 68M20


      • Research-article


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