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View all- Schmitt JWang HMartinovic I(2010)A self-adversarial approach to delay analysis under arbitrary schedulingProceedings of the 4th international conference on Leveraging applications of formal methods, verification, and validation - Volume Part I10.5555/1939281.1939300(169-183)Online publication date: 18-Oct-2010
- Eshete AJiang Y(2010)Flow aggregation using dynamic packet stateProceedings of the 16th EUNICE/IFIP WG 6.6 conference on Networked services and applications: engineering, control and management10.5555/1875907.1875943(263-265)Online publication date: 28-Jun-2010
- Mahmood KJiang YEshete A(2010)On the modeling of delay and burstiness for calculating throughputProceedings of the 33rd IEEE conference on Sarnoff10.5555/1843486.1843488(6-10)Online publication date: 12-Apr-2010
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