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A shapelet-based framework for large-scale word-level sign language database auto-construction

Published: 20 November 2022 Publication History


Sign language recognition is a challenging and often underestimated problem that includes the asynchronous integration of multimodal articulators. Learning powerful applied statistical models requires much training data. However, well-labelled sign language databases are a scarce resource due to the high cost of manual labelling and performing. On the other hand, there exist a lot of sign language-interpreted videos on the Internet. This work aims to propose a framework to automatically learn a large-scale sign language database from sign language-interpreted videos. We achieved this by exploring the correspondence between subtitles and motions by discovering shapelets which are the most discriminative subsequences within the data sequences. In this paper, two modified shapelet methods were used to identify the target signs for 1000 words from 89 (96 h, 8 naive signers) sign language-interpreted videos in terms of brute force search and parameter learning. Then, an augmented (3–5 times larger) large-scale word-level sign database was finally constructed using an adaptive sample augmentation strategy that collected all similar video clips of the target sign as valid samples. Experiments on a subset of 100 words revealed a considerable speedup and 14% improvement in recall rate. The evaluation of three state-of-the-art sign language classifiers demonstrates the good discrimination of the database, and the sample augmentation strategy can significantly increase the recognition accuracy of all classifiers by 10–33% by increasing the number, variety, and balance of the data.


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cover image Neural Computing and Applications
Neural Computing and Applications  Volume 35, Issue 1
Jan 2023
1023 pages
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Berlin, Heidelberg

Publication History

Published: 20 November 2022
Accepted: 26 October 2022
Received: 01 March 2022

Author Tags

  1. Sign language
  2. Shapelet
  3. Self-learning
  4. Big data computing


  • Review-article

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