Multilayer analysis of population diversity in grammatical evolution for symbolic regression
Index Terms
- Multilayer analysis of population diversity in grammatical evolution for symbolic regression
Measuring and Maintaining Population Diversity in Search-Based Unit Test Generation
Search-Based Software EngineeringAbstractGenetic algorithms (GAs) have been demonstrated to be effective at generating unit tests. However, GAs often suffer from a loss of population diversity, which causes the search to prematurely converge, thus negatively affecting the resulting code ...
Diversity Guided Evolutionary Programming: A novel approach for continuous optimization
Avoiding premature convergence to local optima and rapid convergence towards global optima has been the major concern with evolutionary systems research. In order to avoid premature convergence, sufficient amount of genetic diversity within the evolving ...
Comparative study of diversity based parallel dual population genetic algorithm for unconstrained function optimisations
The genetic algorithms GAs metaheuristic deals with large scale combinatorial optimisation problems. It is biologically inspired by the method, based on the principle of survival of the fittest. In GAs, the concept of multiple populations offers an ...
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Berlin, Heidelberg
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- Research-article
Funding Sources
- Christian Doppler Forschungsgesellschaft
- Spanish Government Minister of Science and Innovation
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