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Community Detection in Multi-Partite Multi-Relational Networks Based on Information Compression

Published: 01 March 2016 Publication History


Community detection in uni-partite single-relational networks which contain only one type of nodes and edges has been extensively studied in the past decade. However, many real-world systems are naturally described as multi-partite multi-relational networks which contain multiple types of nodes and edges. In this paper, we propose an information compression based method for detecting communities in such networks. Specifically, based on the minimum description length (MDL) principle, we propose a quality function for evaluating partitions of a multi-partite multi-relational network into communities, and develop a heuristic algorithm for optimizing the quality function. We demonstrate that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art techniques in both synthetic and real-world networks.


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    Published In

    cover image New Generation Computing
    New Generation Computing  Volume 34, Issue 1-2
    Mar 2016
    189 pages




    Publication History

    Published: 01 March 2016

    Author Tags

    1. Community Detection
    2. Graph Mining
    3. Clustering
    4. Multi-Partite Multi-Relational Network
    5. Information Compression


    • Research-article


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