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Cited By
- Xue T, Luo Z and Chatzikyriakidis S (2023). Propositional Forms of Judgemental Interpretations, Journal of Logic, Language and Information, 32:4, (733-758), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2023.
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- Maschio S and Sabelli P On the Compatibility Between the Minimalist Foundation and Constructive Set Theory Revolutions and Revelations in Computability, (172-185)
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Index Terms
- Programming in Martin-Lo¨f's type theory: an introduction
Normalization by Evaluation for Martin-Löf Type Theory with One Universe
We present an algorithm for computing normal terms and types in Martin-Lof type theory with one universe and eta-conversion. We prove that two terms or types are equal in the theory iff the normal forms are identical (as de Bruijn terms). It thus ...
Martin-Löf à la Coq
CPP 2024: Proceedings of the 13th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Certified Programs and ProofsWe present an extensive mechanization of the metatheory of Martin-Löf Type Theory (MLTT) in the Coq proof assistant. Our development builds on pre-existing work in Agda to show not only the decidability of conversion, but also the decidability of type ...
Remarks on Martin-Löf's partial type theory
AbstractIn this paper we discuss Martin-Löf's partial type theory, that is type theory with general recursion, and in particular the consequences of the presence of a fixed point operator. We model Martin-Löf's logical framework domain-theoretically in ...