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A Simple View of Type-Secure Information Flow in the "-Calculus

Published: 24 June 2002 Publication History


One way of enforcing an information flow control policy is to use a static type system capable of guaranteeing a noninterference property. Noninterference requires that two processes with distinct "high"-level components, but common "low"-level structure, cannot be distinguished by "low"-level observers. We state this property in terms of a rather strict notion of process equivalence, namely weak barbed reduction congruence.Because noninterference is not a safety property, it is often regarded as more difficult to establish than a conventional type safety result. This paper aims to provide an elementary noninterference roof in the setting of the calculus. This is done by reducing the problem to subject reduction "a safety property" for a nonstandard, but fairly natural, extension of the calculus, baptized the ( )-calculus.


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  1. A Simple View of Type-Secure Information Flow in the "-Calculus



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    CSFW '02: Proceedings of the 15th IEEE workshop on Computer Security Foundations
    June 2002


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    Published: 24 June 2002


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