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View all- Zilio S(2001)Mobile processesModeling and verification of parallel processes10.5555/766794.766806(206-222)Online publication date: 1-Jan-2001
We extend Kobayashi and Sumii's type system for the deadlock-free π-calculus and develop a type reconstruction algorithm. Kobayashi and Sumii's type system helps high-level reasoning about concurrent programs by guaranteeing that communication on ...
We propose a type system for the Java bytecode language, prove the type soundness, and develop a type inference algorithm. In contrast to the existing proposals, our type system yields a typed term calculus similar to type systems of lambda calculi. ...
Intersection types have the power to type expressions which are all of many different types. Gradual types combine type checking at both compile-time and run-time. Here we combine these two approaches in a new typed calculus that harness both of their ...
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