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Personal and Social Navigation of Information SpaceNovember 1999
  • Springer-Verlag
  • Berlin, Heidelberg
Published:01 November 1999
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From the Publisher:

Social navigation is a vibrant new field which examines how we navigate information spaces in 'real' and 'virtual' environments, how we orient and guide ourselves, and how we interact with others to find our way. This approach brings a new way of thinking about how we design information spaces, emphasising our need to collaborate with others, and follow the trails of their activities in these spaces.. "Social Navigation of Information Space is the first major work in this field and includes contributions by many of the originators and key thinkers. It will be of particular interest to researchers and students in areas related to CSCW and human computer interaction, and also to researchers in cognitive psychology, social psychology, philosophy, linguistics, sociology, architecture and anthropology.

Cited By

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  • University of Strathclyde
  • KTH Royal Institute of Technology
  • Edinburgh Napier University
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