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A novel single scan distributed pattern mining algorithm for frequent pattern identification

Published: 01 January 2019 Publication History


In data mining, the extraction of frequent patterns from large databases is still a challenging and difficult task due to the various drawbacks such as, high response time, communication cost to alleviates such issues, a new algorithm namely single scan distributed pattern mining algorithm SSDPMA is proposed in this paper for frequent mining. The frequent patterns are extracted in a single scan of the database. Then, it is split into multiple files, which will be shared to multiple virtual machines VMs to store and compute the weight for the distinct records. Then, the support, confidence and threshold values are estimated. If the limit is greater than the given data, the frequent data are mined by using the proposed SSDPMA algorithm. The experimental results evaluate the performance of the proposed system in terms of response time, message size, execution time, run time and memory usage.


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  1. A novel single scan distributed pattern mining algorithm for frequent pattern identification



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    cover image International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies
    International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies  Volume 11, Issue 1
    January 2019
    100 pages
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    Inderscience Publishers

    Geneva 15, Switzerland

    Publication History

    Published: 01 January 2019


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