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Evaluating efficiency, effectiveness and satisfaction of AWS and azure from the perspective of cloud beginners

Published: 29 October 2018 Publication History


Quality has long been regarded as an important driver of cloud adoption. In particular, quality in use (QiU) of cloud platforms may drive cloud beginners to the cloud platform that offers the best cloud experience. Cloud beginners are critical to the cloud market because they currently represent nearly a third of cloud users. We carried out three experiments to measure the QiU (dependent variable) of public cloud platforms (independent variable) regarding efficiency, effectiveness and satisfaction. AWS EC2 and Azure Virtual Machines are the two cloud services used as representative proxies to evaluate cloud platforms (treatments). Eleven undergraduate students with limited cloud knowledge (participants) manually created 152 VMs (task) using the web interface of cloud platforms (instrument) following seven different configurations (trials) for each cloud platform. Whereas AWS performed significantly better than Azure for efficiency (p-value not exceeding 0.001, A-statistic = 0.68), we could not find a significant difference between platforms for effectiveness (p-value exceeding 0.05) - although the effect size was found relevant (odds ratio = 0.41). Regarding satisfaction, most of our participants perceived the AWS as (i) having the best GUI to benefiting user interaction, (ii) the easiest platform to use, and (iii) the preferred cloud platform for creating VMs. Once confirmed by independent replications, our results suggest that AWS outperforms Azure regarding QiU. Therefore, cloud beginners might have a better cloud experience starting off their cloud projects by using AWS rather than Azure. In addition, our results may help to explain the AWS's cloud leadership.


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CASCON '18: Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering
October 2018
439 pages


IBM Corp.

United States

Publication History

Published: 29 October 2018

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  1. cloud platforms
  2. experimentation
  3. quality in use


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