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Path Expressions in SQL: A User Study on Query Formulation

Published: 01 July 2016 Publication History


This article focuses on testing a path-oriented querying approach to hierarchical data in relational databases. The authors execute a user study to compare the path-oriented approach and traditional SQL from two perspectives: correctness of queries and time spent in querying. They also analyze what kinds of errors are typical in path-oriented SQL. Path-oriented query languages are popular in the context of object-orientation and XML. However, relational databases are the most common paradigm for storing data and SQL is most common for manipulating data. When querying hierarchical data in SQL, the user must specify join conditions explicitly between hierarchy levels. Path-oriented SQL is a new alternative for expressing hierarchical queries in relational databases. In the authors' study, the users spent significantly less time in writing path-oriented SQL queries and made fewer errors in query formulation.


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  1. Path Expressions in SQL: A User Study on Query Formulation



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    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image Journal of Database Management
    Journal of Database Management  Volume 27, Issue 3
    July 2016
    63 pages


    IGI Global

    United States

    Publication History

    Published: 01 July 2016

    Author Tags

    1. Hierarchical Data
    2. Path-Orientation
    3. PathSQL
    4. Query Language
    5. Relational Databases
    6. SQL
    7. User Test


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