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10.5555/3692070.3693772guideproceedingsArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesicmlConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Decomposable submodular maximization in federated setting

Published: 21 July 2024 Publication History


Submodular functions, as well as the subclass of decomposable submodular functions, and their optimization appear in a wide range of applications in machine learning, recommendation systems, and welfare maximization. However, optimization of decomposable submodular functions with millions of component functions is computationally prohibitive. Furthermore, the component functions may be private (they might represent user preference function, for example) and cannot be widely shared. To address these issues, we propose a federated optimization setting for decomposable submodular optimization. In this setting, clients have their own preference functions, and a weighted sum of these preferences needs to be maximized. We implement the popular continuous greedy algorithm in this setting where clients take parallel small local steps towards the local solution and then the local changes are aggregated at a central server. To address the large number of clients, the aggregation is performed only on a subsampled set. Further, the aggregation is performed only intermittently between stretches of parallel local steps, which reduces communication cost significantly. We show that our federated algorithm is guaranteed to provide a good approximate solution, even in the presence of above cost-cutting measures. Finally, we show how the federated setting can be incorporated in solving fundamental discrete submodular optimization problems such as Maximum Coverage and Facility Location.


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ICML'24: Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning
July 2024
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Published: 21 July 2024


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