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Using AI uncertainty quantification to improve human decision-making

Published: 21 July 2024 Publication History


AI Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) has the potential to improve human decision-making beyond AI predictions alone by providing additional probabilistic information to users. The majority of past research on AI and human decision-making has concentrated on model explainability and interpretability, with little focus on understanding the potential impact of UQ on human decision-making. We evaluated the impact on human decision-making for instance-level UQ, calibrated using a strict scoring rule, in two online behavioral experiments. In the first experiment, our results showed that UQ was beneficial for decision-making performance compared to only AI predictions. In the second experiment, we found UQ had generalizable benefits for decision-making across a variety of representations for probabilistic information. These results indicate that implementing high quality, instance-level UQ for AI may improve decision-making with real systems compared to AI predictions alone.


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ICML'24: Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning
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Published: 21 July 2024


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