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10.5555/3600270.3602949guideproceedingsArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesnipsConference Proceedingsconference-collections

PDSketch: integrated planning domain programming and learning

Published: 28 November 2022 Publication History


This paper studies a model learning and online planning approach towards building flexible and general robots. Specifically, we investigate how to exploit the locality and sparsity structures in the underlying environmental transition model to improve model generalization, data-efficiency, and runtime-efficiency. We present a new domain definition language, named PDSketch. It allows users to flexibly define high-level structures in the transition models, such as object and feature dependencies, in a way similar to how programmers use TensorFlow or PyTorch to specify kernel sizes and hidden dimensions of a convolutional neural network. The details of the transition model will be filled in by trainable neural networks. Based on the defined structures and learned parameters, PDSketch automatically generates domain-independent planning heuristics without additional training. The derived heuristics accelerate the performance-time planning for novel goals.

Supplementary Material

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Supplemental material.


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Index Terms

  1. PDSketch: integrated planning domain programming and learning
        Index terms have been assigned to the content through auto-classification.



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        Published In

        cover image Guide Proceedings
        NIPS '22: Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
        November 2022
        39114 pages


        Curran Associates Inc.

        Red Hook, NY, United States

        Publication History

        Published: 28 November 2022


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        • Research
        • Refereed limited


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