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Agreement-on-the-line: predicting the performance of neural networks under distribution shift

Published: 28 November 2022 Publication History


Recently, Miller et al. [59] showed that a model's in-distribution (ID) accuracy has a strong linear correlation with its out-of-distribution (OOD) accuracy on several OOD benchmarks — a phenomenon they dubbed "accuracy-on-the-line". While a useful tool for model selection (i.e., the models with better ID accuracy are likely to have better OOD accuracy), this fact does not help estimate the actual OOD performance of models without access to a labeled OOD validation set. In this paper, we show a similar but surprising phenomenon also holds for the agreement between pairs of neural network classifiers: whenever accuracy-on-the-line holds, we observe that the OOD agreement between the predictions of any two pairs of neural networks (with potentially different architectures) also observes a strong linear correlation with their ID agreement. Furthermore, we observe that the slope and bias of OOD vs. ID agreement closely matches that of OOD vs. ID accuracy. This phenomenon, which we call agreement-on-the-line, has important practical applications: without any labeled data, we can predict the OOD accuracy of classifiers, since OOD agreement can be estimated with just unlabeled data. Our prediction algorithm outperforms previous methods both in shifts where agreement-on-the-line holds and, surprisingly, when accuracy is not on the line. This phenomenon also provides new insights into deep neural networks: unlike accuracy-on-the-line, agreement-on-the-line appears to only hold for neural network classifiers.

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          Curran Associates Inc.

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