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DYNAMITE: dynamic task nets for software process management

Published: 01 May 1996 Publication History


Managing the software development and maintenance process has been identified as a great challenge for several years. Software processes are highly dynamic and can only rarely be planned completely in advance. Dynamic task nets take this into account. They are built and modified incrementally as a software process is executed. Dynamic task nets have been designed to solve important problems of process dynamics, deciding product-dependent structure evolution, feedback, and concurrent engineering. In order to describe editing and enactment (and their interaction) in a uniform way, task nets are formally defined by means of a programmed graph rewriting system.


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Published In

cover image ACM Conferences
ICSE '96: Proceedings of the 18th international conference on Software engineering
May 1996
590 pages



IEEE Computer Society

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 May 1996

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Author Tags

  2. concurrent engineering
  3. dynamic task nets
  4. editing
  5. enactment
  6. feedback
  7. incremental modification
  8. planning
  9. process dynamics
  10. product-dependent structure evolution
  11. programmed graph rewriting system
  12. software development
  13. software maintenance
  14. software management
  15. software process management


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