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Semantic-based QoS management in cloud systems

Published: 01 March 2014 Publication History


Cloud Computing and Service Oriented Architectures have seen a dramatic increase of the amount of applications, services, management platforms, data, etc. gaining momentum for the necessity of new complex methods and techniques to deal with the vast heterogeneity of data sources or services. In this sense Quality of Service (QoS) seeks for providing an intelligent environment of self-management components based on domain knowledge in which cloud components can be optimized easing the transition to an advanced governance environment. On the other hand, semantics and ontologies have emerged to afford a common and standard data model that eases the interoperability, integration and monitoring of knowledge-based systems. Taking into account the necessity of an interoperable and intelligent system to manage QoS in cloud-based systems and the emerging application of semantics in different domains, this paper reviews the main approaches for semantic-based QoS management as well as the principal methods, techniques and standards for processing and exploiting diverse data providing advanced real-time monitoring services. A semantic-based framework for QoS management is also outlined taking advantage of semantic technologies and distributed datastream processing techniques. Finally a discussion of existing efforts and challenges is also provided to suggest future directions. We review the concept of Quality of Service in Cloud and Service Oriented Computing.We review the use of Semantics in Cloud and Service Oriented Computing.We review the existing techniques to deal with Big Data.We propose a Lambda Architecture based on Semantics and Big Data.We discuss and outline future challenges in semantic-based QoS management.


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cover image Future Generation Computer Systems
Future Generation Computer Systems  Volume 32, Issue C
March 2014
347 pages


Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


Publication History

Published: 01 March 2014

Author Tags

  1. Big data
  2. Cloud systems
  3. Linked data
  4. Ontologies
  5. Quality of service
  6. Semantics
  7. Sensor data
  8. Service oriented architectures


  • Research-article


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