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A new preference scale of intuitionistic fuzzy analytic hierarchy process in multi-criteria decision making problems

Published: 01 March 2014 Publication History


Analytic Hierarchy Process AHP is a tool of decision making technique which complies with complex decision making in any kind of situations. AHP deals with structuring the hierarchical layer to perform the preference judgement of each criterion and alternatives in multi-criteria decision making MCDM problems. The sequence of AHP structure unfortunately lack of certainty as the evaluation consists of vagueness. Thus, the theory of intuitionistic fuzzy sets IFS is integrated with AHP method to deal with these uncertainty and vagueness of the AHP preference judgement. The aim of this paper is to propose a new intuitionistic fuzzy analytic hierarchy process IF-AHP method characterised by new preference scale of pair-wise comparison matrix measurement. The new preference scale considers the degree of hesitation of IFS in expressing the conversion of consistency to a triangular intuitionistic fuzzy numbers TIFNs. The values of hesitation degree are averaged to test consistency of matrix judgment. The intuitionistic fuzzy weighted averaging IFWA is utilized to aggregate the matrix assessment of the decision makers DMs into a group opinion. Modified intuitionistic fuzzy entropy is used to obtain the entropy weights of each criterion and alternatives. Three MCDM problems were used to illustrate the proposed method. It is found the ranking of MCDM problems using the proposed method were slightly inconsistent with the original ranking.


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cover image Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems: Applications in Engineering and Technology
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems: Applications in Engineering and Technology  Volume 26, Issue 2
March 2014
532 pages


IOS Press


Publication History

Published: 01 March 2014

Author Tags

  1. Analytic Hierarchy Process
  2. Consistency Ratio
  3. Hesitation Degree
  4. Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets
  5. Preference Scale


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