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Robust mixture regression using the t-distribution

Published: 01 March 2014 Publication History


The traditional estimation of mixture regression models is based on the normal assumption of component errors and thus is sensitive to outliers or heavy-tailed errors. A robust mixture regression model based on the t-distribution by extending the mixture of t-distributions to the regression setting is proposed. However, this proposed new mixture regression model is still not robust to high leverage outliers. In order to overcome this, a modified version of the proposed method, which fits the mixture regression based on the t-distribution to the data after adaptively trimming high leverage points, is also proposed. Furthermore, it is proposed to adaptively choose the degrees of freedom for the t-distribution using profile likelihood. The proposed robust mixture regression estimate has high efficiency due to the adaptive choice of degrees of freedom.


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Published In

cover image Computational Statistics & Data Analysis
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis  Volume 71, Issue
March, 2014
58 pages


Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


Publication History

Published: 01 March 2014

Author Tags

  1. EM algorithm
  2. Mixture regression models
  3. Outliers
  4. Robust regression
  5. t-distribution


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