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View all- Lloyd EHuang STognoli EGarlan DNuseibeh B(2017)Improving human-in-the-loop adaptive systems using brain-computer interactionProceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems10.1109/SEAMS.2017.1(163-174)Online publication date: 20-May-2017
- Huang SMiranda PBertolino ACanfora GElbaum S(2015)Incorporating human intention into self-adaptive systemsProceedings of the 37th International Conference on Software Engineering - Volume 210.5555/2819009.2819105(571-574)Online publication date: 16-May-2015
- Anaya ISimko VBourcier JPlouzeau NJézéquel JEngels GBencomo N(2014)A prediction-driven adaptation approach for self-adaptive sensor networksProceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems10.1145/2593929.2593941(145-154)Online publication date: 2-Jun-2014
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