Survey on Scientific Data Processing Using Hadoop MapReduce in Cloud Environments
- Survey on Scientific Data Processing Using Hadoop MapReduce in Cloud Environments
G-Hadoop: MapReduce across distributed data centers for data-intensive computing
Recently, the computational requirements for large-scale data-intensive analysis of scientific data have grown significantly. In High Energy Physics (HEP) for example, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) produced 13 petabytes of data in 2010. This huge ...
Towards a framework for large-scale multimedia data storage and processing on Hadoop platform
Cloud computing techniques take the form of distributed computing by utilizing multiple computers to execute computing simultaneously on the service side. To process the increasing quantity of multimedia data, numerous large-scale multimedia data ...
Survey on improving the performance of MapReduce in Hadoop
NISS '21: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Networking, Information Systems & SecurityHadoop has become the most popular and the most used platform in distributed data processing, Hadoop is also an open-source software that implements the MapReduce model for processing big data, it has taken a large part in scientific research in the ...
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