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10.5555/1022385.1022403guidebooksArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesBookacm-pubtype

Support software evolution with abstration rules and programming knowledge patterns

January 2004
Pages 177 - 189
Published: 01 January 2004 Publication History


This paper advocates that reengineering is an effective means of legacy system evolution. Extracting formal specification semantically consistent to the original legacy system will facilitate further redesign and forward engineering greatly. The key technology is abstraction, which is often interpreted as the act of hiding irrelevant details.Programming knowledge refers to the "technique" or "convention" that a programmer used to implement an application. The structure of an existing program was heavily affected by this kind of knowledge. A set of programming knowledge patterns are developed to discover the programming knowledge embedded in legacy systems. Implementation details can be eliminated effectively with these patterns and relevant abstraction rules.A unified reengineering approach with a focus on reverse engineering is proposed. The approach is based on three points: the construction of a wide spectrum language based reengineering framework, the development of abstraction rules and programming knowledge patterns.


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Ed Harcourt

Teng and Liu have the ambitious goal of providing a language and methodology for deriving formal specifications from legacy software systems. The language, reengineering wide spectrum language (RWSL), is intended to be a domain independent target language. The authors posit that a translator exists for each legacy programming language (for example, C++). They then propose a process where a legacy system is automatically translated into a RWSL program, and then processed using abstraction rules to derive a specification in a temporal logic. Additionally, the RWSL program is analyzed manually, to extract programmer intent, by applying a set of knowledge patterns that capture how programmers solve common problems. The process is clearly described, and follows the general outline of other reverse engineering methodologies. The unique aspect the chapter introduces is the use of RWSL, and the conversion to temporal logic. It is difficult to ascertain whether the process can be applied to real legacy systems, since no RWSL translators exist, and the translation in the case study was done by hand. Furthermore, the example case study is rather simple, and clearly not indicative of the complexity one would encounter if the process was being applied to a real large-scale legacy system. However, there is anecdotal evidence that these tools can be written, since the object-oriented community has been providing, for quite some time, reverse engineering tools that generate unified modeling language (UML) models from legacy source code. While the use of the temporal logic to capture specification is sound, the set of knowledge patterns that the authors provide seems capricious, especially since the authors don't mention the vast amount of work in reverse engineering that can be found in the program refactoring literature. This more mature refactoring community has identified a wide array of knowledge patterns that do not appear to coincide at all with the authors' patterns. The chapter also suffers from a variety of grammatical problems, and needs editing. Why the chapter appears in a work dedicated to computational neurobiology is unclear. On the whole, a software practitioner interested in reverse engineering legacy systems is probably better served by refactoring research (see On the other hand, researchers interested in reverse engineering will find here a general overview of a viable process, but with lots of missing details. Online Computing Reviews Service

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cover image Guide books
Focus on computational neurobiology
January 2004
217 pages


Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 January 2004

Author Tags

  1. abstraction
  2. programming knowledge
  3. reverse engineering
  4. software evolution
  5. system reengineering
  6. time critical systems


  • Chapter


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