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10.5555/1888028.1888032guideproceedingsArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesConference Proceedingsacm-pubtype

Bundle adjustment in the large

Published: 05 September 2010 Publication History


We present the design and implementation of a new inexact Newton type algorithm for solving large-scale bundle adjustment problems with tens of thousands of images. We explore the use of Conjugate Gradients for calculating the Newton step and its performance as a function of some simple and computationally efficient preconditioners. We show that the common Schur complement trick is not limited to factorization-based methods and that it can be interpreted as a form of preconditioning. Using photos from a street-side dataset and several community photo collections, we generate a variety of bundle adjustment problems and use them to evaluate the performance of six different bundle adjustment algorithms. Our experiments show that truncated Newton methods, when paired with relatively simple preconditioners, offer state of the art performance for large-scale bundle adjustment. The code, test problems and detailed performance data are available at


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Information & Contributors


Published In

cover image Guide Proceedings
ECCV'10: Proceedings of the 11th European conference on Computer vision: Part II
September 2010
813 pages
  • Editors:
  • Kostas Daniilidis,
  • Petros Maragos,
  • Nikos Paragios


  • Adobe
  • Google Inc.
  • Microsoft Research: Microsoft Research
  • INRIA: Institut Natl de Recherche en Info et en Automatique
  • IBM: IBM



Berlin, Heidelberg

Publication History

Published: 05 September 2010

Author Tags

  1. bundle adjustment
  2. preconditioned conjugate gradients
  3. structure from motion


  • Article


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