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10.5555/1880918.1880980guideproceedingsArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesConference Proceedingsacm-pubtype

Testing non-uniform k-wise independent distributions over product spaces

Published: 06 July 2010 Publication History


A distribution D over Σ1 × ... × Σn is called (non-uniform) k-wise independent if for any set of k indices {i1,..., ik} and for any z1...zk ∈ Σi1×...×Σik, PrX-D[Xi1...Xik = z1 ... zk] = PrX-D[Xi1 = z1] ... PrX-D[Xik = zk]. We study the problem of testing (non-uniform) k-wise independent distributions over product spaces. For the uniform case we show an upper bound on the distance between a distribution D from the set of k-wise independent distributions in terms of the sum of Fourier coefficients of D at vectors of weight at most k. Such a bound was previously known only for the binary field. For the non-uniform case, we give a new characterization of distributions being k-wise independent and further show that such a characterization is robust. These greatly generalize the results of Alon et al. [1] on uniform k-wise independence over the binary field to non-uniform k-wise independence over product spaces. Our results yield natural testing algorithms for k-wise independence with time and sample complexity sublinear in terms of the support size when k is a constant. The main technical tools employed include discrete Fourier transforms and the theory of linear systems of congruences.


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cover image Guide Proceedings
ICALP'10: Proceedings of the 37th international colloquium conference on Automata, languages and programming
July 2010
753 pages


  • GDR Informatique Mathçmatique
  • Conseil Régional d'Aquitaine
  • Communauté Urbaine de Bordeaux
  • CEA: Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives
  • INRIA: Institut Natl de Recherche en Info et en Automatique



Berlin, Heidelberg

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Published: 06 July 2010


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