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On mathematical laws of software

Published: 01 January 2008 Publication History


Recent studies on the laws and mathematical constraints of softwarehave resulted in fundamental discoveries in computing and software engineeringtoward exploring the nature of software. It was recognized that software isnot constrained by any physical laws discovered in the natural world. However,software obeys the laws of mathematics, cognitive informatics, system science,and formal linguistics. This paper investigates into the mathematical laws ofsoftware and computing behaviors. A generic mathematical model of programsis created that reveals the nature of software as abstract processes and itsuniqueness beyond other mathematical entities such as sets, relations, functions,and abstract concepts. A comprehensive set of mathematical laws for softwareand its behaviors is established based on the generic mathematical model ofprograms and the fundamental computing behaviors elicited in Real-Time ProcessAlgebra (RTPA). A set of 95 algebraic laws of software behaviors is systematicallyderived, which encompasses the laws of meta-processes, processrelations, and system compositions. The comprehensive set of mathematicallaws of software lays a theoretical foundation for analyzing and modeling softwarebehaviors and software system architectures, as well as for guiding rigorouspractice in programming. They are also widely applicable for the rigorousmodeling and manipulation of human cognitive processes and computational intelligentbehaviors.


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Information & Contributors


Published In

cover image Guide books
Transactions on computational science II
January 2008
245 pages
  • Editors:
  • Marina L. Gavrilova,
  • C. J. Kenneth Tan,
  • Yingxu Wang,
  • Yiyu Yao,
  • Guoyin Wang



Berlin, Heidelberg

Publication History

Published: 01 January 2008

Author Tags

  1. RTPA
  2. algebraic laws
  3. analysis
  4. computational intelligence
  5. denotational mathematics
  6. generic model of software
  7. laws of meta-processes
  8. laws of process compositions
  9. laws of process relations
  10. mathematical models
  11. modeling
  12. process models
  13. programs
  14. software
  15. software engineering
  16. software science


  • Chapter


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  • (2011)The Formal Design Models of Tree Architectures and BehaviorsInternational Journal of Software Science and Computational Intelligence10.4018/jssci.20111001063:4(84-108)Online publication date: 1-Oct-2011
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