Numerosity and the consolidation of episodic memory
On numerosity of deep neural networks
NIPS '20: Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Neural Information Processing SystemsRecently, a provocative claim was published that number sense spontaneously emerges in a deep neural network trained merely for visual object recognition. This has, if true, far reaching significance to the fields of machine learning and cognitive ...
Neural network simulation on shared-memory vector multiprocessors
Supercomputing '89: Proceedings of the 1989 ACM/IEEE conference on SupercomputingWe simulate three neural networks on a vector multiprocrssor. The training time can be reduced significantly especially when the training data size is large. These three neural networks are: 1) the feedforward network, 2) the recurrent network and 3) ...
Memory Networks
MM '22: Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on MultimediaMemory Networks are models equipped with a storage component where information can generally be written and successively retrieved for any purpose. Simple forms of memory networks like the popular recurrent neural networks (RNN), LSTMs or GRUs, have ...
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