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Observations at several on-street parking areas showed that parking and imparking processes could produce severe traffic interruptions if parking locations were not designed properly. This study is aimed to develop an on-street parking simulation model to investigate traffic performances adjacent to on-street parking areas during parking operations.A microscopic simulation model has been developed to investigate those cases. The model was used to represent parking and imparking behaviours and its interactions with adjacent traffic. Four types of on-street parking layouts were included i.e. parallel with marking, parallel with no marking, angle 45° and angle 90°. Site surveys have been conducted using video camcorder within the Greater Manchester area for model development, as well as for calibration and validation. Data extractions were carried out using video playbacks with personal computer. The simulation model was developed mainly based on car-following rules, gap acceptance rules and parking and unparking behaviour.Verification, calibration and validation of the simulation model have been conducted. The capability of simulation model to produce free flow and congested traffic has been examined. Parking and unparking operation have also been verified. Spot speed distributions have been used to calibrate and validate the parameters of vehicle movements and the effects of parking and unparking interactions. It can be concluded that the simulation model could mimic parking and unparking operations. For a case study of on- street parking simulations, four schemes of on-street parking designs and behaviours have been simulated sneli as (lie effects of parking stall geometric designs, different parking durations, different parking manoeuvres with different parking durations, and development of parking prohibition criteria. In general, it was shown that on-street parking operations would affect severely adjacent traffic flow when the level of traffic volume was high. The traffic How at upstream of parking areas will be more congested than at downstream.
Index Terms
- Development of Traffic Micro-Simulation for On-Street Parking Facilities
Off-Street Parking for TNC Vehicles to Reduce Cruising Traffic
2020 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)This paper considers off-street parking for the cruising vehicles of transportation network companies (TNCs) to reduce the traffic congestion. We propose a novel business that integrates the shared parking service into the TNC platform. In the proposed ...
Street and traffic simulation: traffic flow simulation using CORSIM
WSC '00: Proceedings of the 32nd conference on Winter simulationThis paper presents an overview of the concept and features of the CORSIM traffic simulation program and the TSIS package that provides an integrated, user-friendly interface and environment for executing CORSIM. The new functions and feature of CORSIM ...
Crowdsensing Maps of On-street Parking Spaces
DCOSS '13: Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor SystemsIt has been estimated that traffic congestion costs the world economy hundreds of billions of dollars each year, increases pollution, and has a negative impact on the overall quality of life in metropolitan areas. A significant part of congestion in ...